Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Out West is Best!

In January this past year, I visited my friend out in Nebraska and of course one of the things that I had to do out there was try some steak. We went to this little Mom and Pop type restaurant and order the 20 oz sirloin Grade A beef. This steak was phenomenal!!! So while out in Nebraska, I relaized a couple of things. Meat out there is cheaper and better. My friend's father tried to explain it as best as he could and it basically came down to the meat packing plants out there ship there lesser grade beef out to the east coast. The higher price is because of the shipping. The next thing is that out there steak is not marinated as much as it is out here. I do not really know why just something that I noticed while I was out there.

1 comment:

David Murphy said...

I never thought about marinating across the country, but maybe we marinate more because our beef is worse. Also, thanks for the Dunkin' commercial.